
As a Board Certified Master Arborist, Absolute Tree Service can determine the appropriate type of pruning necessary to maintain or improve the health, appearance, and safety of trees. 

CONSUMER ALERT: CLIMBING GAFS ARE NOT APPROVED FOR PRUNING SERVICE. Save your tree, if you see a service provider using climbing spikes in your tree, ask them to remove them immediately or ask them to stop working on the tree. They can have a detrimental impact on the health of your tree.

Some of these techniques can include:

– eliminating branches that rub each other

– removing limbs that interfere with wires, building facades, gutters, roofs, chimneys, or windows, or that obstruct streets or sidewalks

– removing dead or weak limbs that pose a hazard or may lead to decay 

– removing diseased or insect-infested limbs 

– creating better structure to lessen wind resistance and reduce the potential for storm damage 

– training young trees

– removing limbs damaged by adverse weather conditions 

– removing branches, or thinning, to increase light penetration 

– improving the shape or silhouette of the tree